Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Amaya!

So we have been in Vegas all of 3 weeks and we are loving it.  We live in Summerlin, and it is such a nice neighborhood.  There is a community pool in the condos where we live, and let me just say it is a necessity to be within feet of a pool.  It's been so nice having direct access to a pool, Amaya is enjoying and somewhat learning how to swim.

So, just a recap, I got 4 's and 1 B in spring semester of graduate classes.  My family and I moved to Las Vegas the second week of May, Amaya will have a Carnival themed birthday party in Patterson, California at my parent's house on June 7th.  I can't wait to see all of my family, family friends, and old friends to celebrate Amaya's birthday in a big way.

What's new:  It's quickly heating up in Vegas. 3 digit temps are happening as I write, but nothing we can't handle.  I mean, we moved from one of the coldest states, North Dakota, so I have no worries that we will get quickly acclimated to Vegas weather.

Also, we have been touring preschools, which has been eye-opening, yet fun.  Thankfully I have this summer to make a good decision.

Overall, the three of us are adjusting well to live in Vegas.  The views are amazingly pretty, and the people are really nice.

Lastly and MOST IMPORTANTLY, today is Amaya's 4th birthday.  She was born May 27th, 2010 at 9:47 p.m. at Naval Hospital Bremerton.  I remember waking up around 2 a.m. on May 27th and my water broke, and I was just taken a back for a hot second.  Then Eric and I went to the hospital, I got induced, went through about 18-19 hours of labor, and finally gave birth to my precious baby girl.  of course, i think she was the most beautiful baby on earth.  But, from that moment I laid eyes on her I knew was true love really was.  Happy Birthday my honey bunny, daddy's sweet pea.  We love you!

She was so excited for her puppy guitar toy made by B.toys (target).  She saw this toy at the store about 2-3 weeks ago, and literally asks about it every other day.  So, of course we had to get it for her, and the look on her face was priceless.  She was truly excited!!

Amaya and her new puppy guitar.  :)

Now, just some random photos since our move to Vegas

At the park.  She loves that there are always kids at the park.  She has a lot of fun playing with other kids.

I wrapped her up, and of course she thought it was fun.  


  1. Thanks so much for the update Alice. I can't say how proud we all of you enough. I am excited to that you are so close to us here in L.A. I look forward to spending more time with you and your family. You are truly a blessing in my life. ...love you much. Great pictures of Amaya.

  2. You're so awesome Uncle Tubby! Thank you. I truly appreciate each and everyone of my family members for always being there for me, being supportive, and being great role models. I can't wait to see my LA family. Love and miss you.
