Thursday, April 21, 2016

First tooth nightmare

So what started out as a normal night turned into Amaya's tooth nightmare.  So she's had a loose tooth for a couple of weeks now and we knew it was a matter of time before it would fall out and we knew she'd be so excited!

So tonight we started watching Cinderella, and after Amaya and I found out Eric ate all but one donut hole we immediately jumped up and grabbed the last donut hole.  Amaya was such a sweetie she split it exactly in half with me.  Before I go on I want it to be noted that I had literally just examined Amaya's mouth not even 15 minutes before this and looked at her loose tooth.  I said, "yep, it'll be out soon."  Fast foward to Amaya and I enjoying our half donut hole.  We continued to watch Cinderella for another two minutes or so before I look at her again and notice her loose tooth is no longer in her mouth!!!   I immediately tell Amaya don't move and call Eric to come in, because I can tell Amaya has no idea her tooth was even gone.

So after searching for her first missing tooth for twenty minutes, we gave up the search.  Needless to say Amaya is very very sad, as am I, but I'm not trying to show it.  But we tried to reassure Amaya the tooth fairy will still come but that we have to trick the tooth fairy by drawing a picture of a tooth and putting it under her pillow and hoping that works.  She agreed and began to be the little artist that she is and drew a tooth.  I think it's a bit big lol, but hey we'll see what happens tomorrow morning.

But Eric and I can't figure out what the heck happened to her first tooth?  Did she eat it or is it somewhere in our bed/carpet?  What do you guys think?

Check out the pictures! Have fun!