Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 2013 pt.1 (late post)

Whooo!  what a first 4 months it has been in 2013!  Lots of activity, lots of changes but still more changes to come.  To begin I will write about my weight loss activity.  So far I have lost 21 pounds and I currently weigh 156.  And although I am loving it and am proud that I have taken a liking to working out and I am working out CONSISTENTLY! which was definitely a major goal for me...I am not where I want to be.  This past week I have gotten back to my eating 1200 calories and working out like crazy so that i can reach my goal weight of: 137 by august 2nd (graduation).

Besides getting back on my grind of losing weight, we took family pictures last weekend and I am very pleased with how they came out.  Of course it could have been better (what else is new) but we got a lot of great shots of Amaya, some of Amaya & me, and only a few good ones of all three of us :((.  But overall, we got some great shots.  Amaya was nervous in the beginning, as usual, but she came into her own soon after we got started.  When it comes to pictures, i've learned, you just never know and just do the best you can with helping your child feel comfortable.  I was very nervous about the weather considering two of her three outfits were skirts, but the weather cooperated with us just at the perfect time!  We had a lot of fun!!!  I will post a couple pictures but I will be sending pictures/picture books/photo gifts to close family and friends.


  my favorite of me and mimi

  such a Big Girl!

  She just adores him

making me laugh (saying something silly)


  1. Aweee Alice and Eric, I absolutely love it!!! Wishing you guys the best of luck on this journey!! Congrats on the weight lost, graduation, engagement and everything... I am inspired to get going in the gym... Congrats and Good luck again...


  2. Love love love all the pictures of your beautiful family little cousin. I love the pictures of Amaya along the rail especially the one of her with the frilly skirt with the flower in her hand!! Wayyy too cute!!
