Monday, October 13, 2014

A Visit from an old Friend :)

This past weekend my friend Ashley, whom I met while in the Navy, and her daughter Paytin drove from San Diego to visit me and my family in Las Vegas.  We were so excited for their visit, and we all had such a good time.

We stayed up talking and playing until at least 1 a.m. the first night they got in, then we woke up ate breakfast and got our day started.  We enjoyed the festivities at the Summerlin Pumpkin Festival, which my friend Sarah and her son Gianni joined us at.  The kids ran around, played halloween games, danced, got their faces painted and pet farm animals.  The weather was beautiful and the festival turned out great.

Then we made our way to Downtown Summerlin which just opened on Oct 9th, and we shopped the night away!

So here are just a few photos from short, but fun weekend.

Monday, August 18, 2014

First day of Preschool

Today is Amaya's 1st day of preschool.  Just a few short months ago we made the move from North Dakota to Las vegas, Nevada.  We had Amaya's 4th birthday party at my parents new house in Patterson, CA!  Lastly, and most importantly we found an awesome preschool that is Seton Academy West. 
We dropped Amaya off, but definitely hung around and watched her play outside,  and chatted with staff. 
This morning went pretty good, like any normal morning except that we had an agenda, and that was to make sure Amaya was happy and comfortable! 
She had a slight meltdown with her clothes, but we pulled it together, and she ended up being very comfortable. 
And we straightened her hair, which she loves and will finally wear her hair down for longer than 5 minutes!
I definitely don't know what I was so nervous about.   She was still shy and not very talkative but that's to be expected.  And she didn't cry!  Not that we were expecting that.  But you never know.  But yeah we knew she'd been excited about going, she likes learning and she likes other kids,  so preschool is a perfect match. 
Alright, now to the pictures.  Her and eric's selfies seriously make my heart melt.  I love them more than words could ever say. 

Those are the cutest pictures I have ever seen!  Love them!

First stop...Sand Land!

Amaya:  "Mommy, I got sand in my shoes."

Daddy helping her clean her shoes and socks to get rid of that sand

next stop:  Slide Time!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Amaya's 4th Birthday Party - Carnival Theme part 1

So this post is all about Amaya's 4th Birthday party in California, at my parent's new house in Patterson, California....well this post is only about the's also about our move and how we've been doing as a family :).

On June 7th, 2014 Amaya and I drove to Madera, Ca where my brother and his family live, and then me, Amaya, Nehemiah, and Leila drove to Patterson to spend the weekend together.  It was Fun Fun Fun!  We missed Eric, but summertime is HVAC season, and he just could not take off that many days.  But we both agreed that he will never miss another birthday party.  Plus, we were fortunate enough to celebrate her birthday on her actual birthdate, May 27th, with Eric, my cousin Pooh and my friend Sarah and her family at Chuck E Cheese in Vegas.

The party was FANTASTIC!  It was a carnival theme, and I was so happy with all of the decorations I bought, from the Carnival napkins, Carnival plates, red and white platters, red and white tablecovers, water bottle labels that read:  Mimi's 4!  Amaya's Carnival!, and so on and so forth.  We also had a huge combo bouncer and waterslide.  I bought carnival themed games, but they were not even touched at all!  Because the kids were going down the waterslide the entire time.  We also had a cotton candy machine and snow cone machine, Prizes table.  And so much food!  My mom even went behind my back and made it into a surprise party for me, she made jello shots, and bought me a red velvet cake which was delicious!  If there wasn't so much food to eat, or kids to watch, I would have eaten at least half of that cake by myself.  THANK YOU MOM!  I LOVE YOU!

Also, so many family and friends were able to make it, and that best thing to see was everyone enjoying themselves.  

So, take a look for yourself..these pictures are in no particular order...that was going to take way too long!  lol

I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out, but I think the pictures will do the party justice, and our time in California in general.  We had so much fun we stayed a week!

Best Friends Since 7th grade

Amaya, Nehemiah, and Leila all fell asleep in the funniest ways!

Amaya and her new stretch-kin Unicorn

Opening presents

Jayson is so silly!

Cousin Love...although Leila was sick with an Ear Infection at the time and we didn't know it, she was still having a good time :)

Nammie with 3 of her Grandkids :)

Mimi and Uncle Kellen

Jay J's 8th Grade Graduation

Cousin Devonna making the caramel Apples

There's always one of these :))

My Ringmaster!  I absolutely love this outfit, and so glad I was able to find it and made it in time!

Auntie and Mimi taking pics in the backyard.  Auntie did her hair, and she loved it.  she wishes Auntie could do her hair everyday :)

Mimi and Nehemiah taking a picture before the party

Auntie Sandra and Amaya..Werk!

I just love Amaya's pose in this cute

Amaya and her big cousin Kimani...he had the biggest splashes whenever he went down the

Mama Sadie, Amaya's great Grandma, and Amaya

Amaya and Papa Jim (Great Grandpa)

Leila with Essence underneath the table!

Great Picture!